Panel One: This is a half page. We see Roller looking through the busted out hole in the GM building. He is looking down at the streets as his staff is glowing red. The rest of the building's windows around him are still intact, but some are cracked and dirty looking.
Panel Two: A zoomed out view of the GM building. Roller is very faint, but the glowing red staff and red smoke are easily visible.
Panel Three: A close-up on Roller's eyes.
Panel One: A full page that is looking down and out the building as if seen through Roller's eyes. We can see five figures approaching the building. The one in front is moving faster than the rest and is moving on all fours. In back is a woman, floating, and the ground is cracking beneath her feet.
Panel One: A man's face is shown close up. He is wearing yellow tinted goggles and has salt and pepper hair. On his throat is a wrap and device with locks around it.
Caption over head: "The Speaker"
Panel Two: A man's face is shown close up. He has short hair, a thick beard and thick bushy eyebrows. He also has a few scars, one on his right cheek and one on his upper lip.
Caption over head: "Bullrush"
Panel Three: A woman's face is shown close up. She has sleek, attractive features, a royal blue eye mask, and long brown hair. She is concentrating very hard.
Caption over head: "Mother Earth"
Panel Four: A man is shown that is wearing a high-tech mask. There are two large ocular holes that have been dimmed black. Covering his ears are two pieces that look like they can be turned like knobs. There is a small, slit opening for his nose, and no mouth opening.
Caption over head: "Stalker"
Panel Five: A young man is shown with slicked back, black hair. He is wearing dark sunglasses, and has a smirk on his face.
Caption over head: "Mr. Slick"
Panel One: The GM building is shown from the side. We can see that Roller has jumped out of the window he was standing in.
Panel Two: Roller is shown falling through the air, his staff raised above his head. It is glowing a deep red.
Panel Three: Roller is shown landing on the ground and has brought his staff forward, smashing the ground in front of him. The staff sends the ground rippling in front of him. Shards of cement and brick are flying around him. The word CRACK is written along the crack in the cement.
Panel Four: Stalker is shown being flung into the air while Mr. Slick leaps out of the way. Behind them we can see a run down car split and go flying as well.
Panel One: This is a half page. It shows The Speaker's profile to the left. Off to the right of the panel is Mother Earth, floating and looking at The Speaker.
Mother Earth: "Xander, that's Carson Roller. He is one of us!"
The Speaker: "If he is one of us, then why is he resisting?"
Panel Two: The two are shown full bodied from the front. The Speaker is running, Mother Earth floating.
Mother Earth: "I don't know, but we need to talk to him. He can help us. He was one of the first, he can help us!
Panel Three: The Speaker is shown in place slightly turned to his left.
The Speaker: "I don't give a shit who he was, it's obvious who he is now if he's working with The Umbra! Everybody, cover your ears!"
Panel One: This panel is a half page vertically. The speaker is shown with his chest buffed and mouth open. His veins are popping our of his neck and vibrations are shown all around him.
The Speaker: "Give up Roller!" (Bold and outlined in red)
Panel Two: This is the other half of the page shown vertically. Roller has fallen to his knees and has one of his hands on his head. We can see buildings and dumpsters shaking behind him.
Caption at top: "Holy shit. Stop him."
Panel One: This is a half page vertically. Roller has used his free hand to pick up a garbage can lid. He has thrown it through the air like a frisbee and it is glowing red. Behind Roller we can see Bullrush charging toward him.
Panel Two: The garbage can lid is shown smashing into The Speaker's gut. He is keeled over and has his face clenched.
The Speaker: "URGH!"
Panel Three: This panel is off to the right and horizontal. It shows Roller, still on his knees from behind. He is looking over his left shoulder.
Roller: "Wha..."
Panel Four This panel is off to the right and horizontal. We are shown a picture of Bullrush charging at great speed with his head up and shoulders down, much like a football player. His teeth are bared and clenched.
Panel Five: This panel is off to the right and horizontal. It shows a collision between Roller and Bullrush. Bullrush has lifted Roller off the ground in a form tackle and we are shown just how much bigger he is than Roller.
Roller: "UMPH!"
Panel One: A half page. We are shown an over the shoulder shot of Bullrush while carrying Roller. Roller's head is turned to his left as if trying to see where he is being pushed too. Behind them, a short distance away we see a rundown shop with a glass window.
Panel Two: The two men are shown from inside of the shop. Behind them we can see the Detroit skyline.
Panel Three: The men are shown smashing through the glass window. Shards are flying everywhere. The word "CRASH" is shown in bold letters.
Panel One: Bullrush is shown standing over Roller who is laying on the ground trying to get up.
Roller: "Wait...you don't understand..."
Panel Two: Bullrush is reaching down and grabbing Roller with one hand.
Bullrush: "We know about Vasher and what he's done around here."
Panel Three: Bullrush has flung Roller out the window that they came in from. We are shown Roller flying in the air, and Bullrush is in motion of finishing his throw.
Bullrush: "HHOOOWAHHH!"
Panel Four: Roller is shown close up bouncing off the ground. We can see Bullrush through the shattered window in the background.
Panel Five: Roller is on all fours trying to prop himself up. We can see that he has a black liquid covering much of his torso, hands, and legs.
Panel One: We are shown Roller in the same position, only in this picture he is wearing nothing but black spandex shorts. He is looking to the left and we can see blood trickling down his chin. The room around him is battered and falling apart.
Caption top left: "2019. Testing Facilities."
Panel Two: Roller has stood up and made his way to the door. He is shown from behind. His left hand is propped against the wall, steadying himself. Through the door, we can see men in the same spandex shorts running through the halls as well as people in long, white lab coats.
Panel Three: Roller has stepped out of the room and is looking down the hallway. There is a tall man with long dark hair turned around talking to him.
Roller: "Darian...Darian wait!"
Darian: "Let's go, its open. We can get out of this shit hole. Hurry up, we gotta go now, we don't know how long it'll be open for."
Roller: "OK, wait for me, I gotta grab something."
Panel Four: Roller is making his way down the hall opposite of everyone else. He is dodging the oncoming people with his head perked up, as if looking for someone or something in a crowd.
Panel Five: We are shown a door. On it is a sign that reads "AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY".
Roller: "Gotta be it..."
Panel Six: Roller is shown kicking at the door with his bare feet.
Roller: "C'mon, dammit!"
Panel One: We are shown an over the shoulder shot of Roller. He has entered a room that is filled with all different types of weapons, armor, and outfits. Straight ahead, we see a tall, thin, metal box.
Panel Two: The box is shown as if from Roller's view. He is looking down at it. On the box reads "ROLLER, CARSON NEIL. SUBJECT #3. HOLDING FACILITY 12. GENETIC LEVEL: 10. TESTED RESPONSE: SUCCESSFUL. DANGER."
Panel Three: Roller is shown running back through door in which he came carrying the box.
Panel Four: The flashback is interrupted by Roller being kneed in the face by Mr. Slick. Mr. Slick is traveling by gliding on the ground using the oily substance he releases. Behind them and overhead we can see Mother Earth floating on a large mound of earth.
Panel One: Roller has come to his feet. He is looking up as Mother Earth nears him. We are shown from behind Roller, and we can see Mother Earth.
Roller: "Renee, what the fuck?"
Mother Earth: "We don't know what you're up to, but we are here to prevent it from happening!"
Panel Two: Roller is crouched down, still looking up.
Roller: "I don't know what you're talking about!"
Panel Three: Roller has jumped into the air toward Mother Earth. He has one of his firsts reared back and is shown as if from Mother Earth's point of view.
Panel Four: A picture of Roller punching Mother Earth square in the jaw. Mother Earth's head has flung back and to the side violently. A spray of blood is coming from her. Her body has also tilted back, beginning to fall from the chunk of rock she was perched on.
Mother Earth: "HYUCK!"
Panel Five: Shown as if from Roller's view, we see Mother Earth plummeting to the ground. Her body looks lifeless and clumsy.
Panel Six: Roller is now on the rock that Mother Earth was on. He is looking down trying to find something.
Roller: "Where...there you are."
Panel One: Roller has leaped off the rock and landed on the ground. He is in motion of running toward the reader. Behind him we can see Mr. Slick in pursuit.
Panel Two: We see nearly the same picture, only this time Roller is looking over his left shoulder at Mr. Slick, who is gaining ground quickly.
Panel Three: This is an over the shoulder view from Mr. Slick. We can see that Roller has stopped and is leaning over reaching for something.
Mr. Slick: "Don't let him get..."
Panel Four: We are shown Roller's staff connecting across Mr. Slick's face. It has hit him on his left side and we can see his eye has instantly swelled up. Scratched into the staff are the words "THE BANGER".
Panel One: Roller is shown grabbing the fallen Mr. Slick by the shirt and he is holding him close to his own face. Roller is on the left of the panel, Mr. Slick to the right.
Roller: "I could've tore your head clean off, tell everyone to back off!"
Mr. Slick: "Uhnn..."
Panel Two: Roller is still to the left of the panel. His fist is drawn back as if preparing to hit the helpless Mr. Slick.
Roller: "TELL THEM..."
The Speaker (from off panel): "Roller!"
Panel Three: We are shown The Speaker standing in front of Bullrush and Stalker. Bullrush is holding a lifeless Mother Earth over his right shoulder. Bullrush has small cuts all over his upper body. The Speaker is holding his right hand to his ribs, and he is slight bent over.
The Speaker: "This ends now."
Panel Four: Roller has put his hands over his helmet and turned away from the group. He is off to the left of the panel, to the right we can see the group standing. Each of them have covered their ears, and Bullrush has placed Mother Earth in front of him, pressing her head to his chest. The speaker has puffed his chest and stands with his feet at shoulder width. His head is tilted slightly upward.
Panel Five: We are shown nearly the same picture in the panel. In this one, though, each individual is looking slightly upward. The Speaker has ceased, and the hands have dropped from their ears. From off the screen are is the word "BRUMBLE" in small, but bold black letters.
Roller: "Oh shit..."
Panel One: This is a quarter page. We are shown the GM building with the a full moon above and to the left of it.
Panel Two: This is a quarter page. We are shown the GM building again, only slightly lower with a little bit of dust forming at the bottom.
Panel Three: This is a quarter page. We see the GM building even lower with a larger dust cloud forming at the bottom.
Panel Four: This is a quarter page. The GM building has finally crumbled all the way to the ground and a large dust cloud has developed.
Panel One: This is a full page of the entire group in the same positions they were in. Roller is looking back at The Voice while they still all stare in amazment. Stalker is staring at The Speaker.
Bullrush: "Jesus, Xander."
Mr. Slick: "Nice."
Panel One: Roller is shown from the waist up. He is battered and bruised, with scuffs and dents on his helmet and tears in his suit. We can see many deep cuts on his chest and shoulders.
Roller: "There were people pent up in that building. Does being the law around these parts mean that you have no regard for the one's who don't commit crimes?"
Panel Two: We are shown The Speaker with a shocked look on his face and tears coming from underneath his goggles.
The Speaker: "What have I done?"
Panel Three: We are shown The Voice as a group. Bullrush and Mr. Slick hang their heads. Stalker sits motionless on all fours. Mother Earth is still unconscious. The Speaker is still crying.
Panel Four: We are shown the group again, only this time they have all turned their heads to look behind them except for The Speaker who is on all fours. We can see that Roller has walked past them and is heading in the opposite direction.
Roller: "Not quite the blessing you had thought, is it?"
Panel Five: Bullrush and Mr. Slick are looking at each other. Stalker has placed his hand on The Speaker's shoulder.
Mr. Slick: "Asshole."
Panel One: This panel is horizontal and takes up one third of the page. To the far left we see Roller still heading in the opposite direction. To the far right we see The Voice, which hasn't moved from their spot. In the middle is a dark alley way where a voice is coming from.
The Umbra: "Gentlemen!"
Panel Two: We are shown The Umbra close up wish a smile on his face.
The Umbra: "So you killed a few innocent women and children, loudmouth? Who cares?"
Panel Three: Roller has stopped and turned so that he is facing the direction of everybody else. He has his staff in hand and it is glowing red.
Roller: "I don't want to do this here, Darian. Not right now."
Panel Four: The Umbra is shown again from Roller's point of view, although his head is turned toward The Voice.
The Umbra: "I don't want to fight Car, we're buds remember? Plus, I could kill you all very easily here. We have a lot to talk about, but first I'd like to speak with them."
Panel Five: We are shown an over the shoulder view from Roller. The Umbra has turned his back to him and began walking towards the group.
Roller: "I don't know what you're talking about!"
Panel Six: The Umbra has disappeared and there is a dusty black silhouette of where he was. In the distance we can see that he reappeared right next to The Voice.
The Umbra: "I disagree, old friend."
Panel One: A shot of the group helping The Speaker to his feet as he holds one of his hands to his face. The Umbra stands in the foreground and it is shown from the ground up. Bullrush glares at The Umbra still with Mother Earth over his shoulder.
Panel Two: The Umbra is shown from over the shoulder of Bullrush with a grin on his face.
The Umbra: "Such a shame..."
The Speaker: "You son of a bitch."
The Umbra: "C'mon now Xander, I'm here to help."
Panel Three: Bullrush is shown, this time with Mother Earth in his right hand hanging limply. He is pointing at The Umbra.
Bullrush: "Get out of here. We don't want any trouble right now, we've got more important things to worry about than you."
Panel Four: The Umbra is shown from the chest up laughing maniacally.
The Umbra: "Like what? Cleaning up all the people your valiant leader just crushed under the city's largest building?"
Panel Five: The speaker is shown looking up at The Umbra while still being supported by his teammates. His face is emotionless.
Panel Six: The Umbra is shown again from the chest up. This time his head is tilted downward and the brim of his hate covers his eyes slightly.
The Umbra: "Lighten up fellas. It was inevitable. Most those people were hoping for death, maybe not one so violent, perhaps a little quicker, but they wanted it, they wanted it so bad."
Panel One: The Voice is shown, each of them with a look of anger on their faces. Mr. Slick's hands are curled tightly into fists.
Mr. Slick: "Knock it off, asshole!"
Panel Two: Roller is shown from behind and at a distance. We can see he is closing in on the group.
Roller: "What is going on..."
Panel Three: The group is shown head on. We can see that Mother Earth has started coming to her senses. Her hand is on her head and she looks weary.
Mother Earth: "Hnh...? What...Darian?!"
Panel Four: The Umbra is shown taking off his hat and bowing.
The Umbra: "Morning, dear!"
Panel One: We are shown The Voice from the bust up. They have solemn looks on their faces. Behind them we can see Roller has made his way closer to them. They are unaware he is there.
Roller: "He's right."
Panel Two: The Speaker has turned his head to look at Roller. We are shown from just behind the back of his head.
The Speaker: "You're wrong, Roller. You're both wrong!"
Panel Three: A full body shot of The Umbra is shown. His long jacket is swaying in the wind. Dumpsters are shown in the background, and trash is blowing in the wind.
The Umbra: "What are you trying to convey to these people? You have a gift, they have nothing but deformed children and disease. They're hopeless. They're insignificant. It's up to us to..."
Panel Four: The group is shown head on again. Roller is visible in the background. The Speaker has straightened up.
The Speaker: "There is hope! We can give them hope!"
Panel One: A full page of Roller is shown. His head is slightly hanging and his shoulders are dropped. His staff sits clumsily in his hands.
Roller: "Why try to help those who refuse to be helped?"
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