Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Cover: On the cover we see a tall figure from behind. He is wearing a navy blue body suit with two maize stripes running vertically on the back. He carries a staff strapped to his back. He is walking down the middle of a road, and on either side is just rubble and destroyed buildings. The sky is gray and ashy. Across the top, in bold letters reads "The Tested".

Panel One: We see a half page, man in navy blue suit sitting on a curb. He is sitting with his head in his hands, looking at the ground. His staff is at his feet. GM building is visible in the distance
Caption top left: "Detroit. Year 2022."

Panel Two: Quarter page. Shows man grabbing his staff as he stands up. Head and shoulders are cut out of page, and his lower torso is turned as if he is starting to walk again.

Panel Three: Quarter page. Shows the man from behind at a distance and a wider view of the destroyed city.
Caption over top: "I am Carson Roller..."

Panel One: We see the man from mid-chest up, slightly off to the left. Again, his head is tilted toward the ground. To the right we see a group of three people in shabby clothing talking amongst themselves and one is pointing.
Caption top right: "I'm known as Roller to them."

Panel Two: Shows the characters from behind. We can see one of the people bending down and the others looking down at him. Roller is off to the right walking in the opposite direction. The GM building is still in the distance.

Panel Three: Close-up of a dirty hand reaching down and grabbing a large piece of rubble. The grip is tight.

Panel Four: Roller's face is to the far left, and half of it is cut off the page. We can see his left eye looking as far to the left as possible. Behind him, we can see the man that was bending down winding up to throw the rubble. The other two men are at either side of him.
Man 2: "Wait...NO!"

Panel Five: We see the piece of rubble flying through the air. "WOOSH!" is trailing behind the stone in bold letters.

Panel One: We see Roller reach behind him and grab his staff, half turned toward the group of men.

Panel Two: Roller is in motion, swinging his staff like a baseball bat, which has a bright red trail behind it.

Panel Three: A close up of the staff connecting with the rock. The word "THWACK!" is in bold letters just above the two items. Where the two meet is a bright red spark and both are surrounded by a red outline.

Panel Four: The rock is shown close up flying through the air. "ZIP" is written above, and a bright red trail follows the rock.

Panel Five: The three men are shown head on, as if we are seeing what the rock is seeing as it flings through the air. The two men to either side are falling to their respected sides, and the man who threw the rock sits helpless with his mouth and eyes wide open.

Panel Six: A side view of the rock connecting with the mans nose. Teeth and blood splatter.
Man 1: "UMPH!"

Panel One: A full page of Roller standing, slightly turned to his right. In his right hand is his staff, glowing red with faint red smoke trailing from either end. He is tall and muscular. His eyes are darkened by the shading of his helmet. Behind him we see a green sign that says "JEFFERSON AVE. 2 MILES".
Caption in top left: "Mother fuckers."

Panel One: We see Roller has turned and continued walking toward Jefferson Avenue. All three men still lay on the ground, shocked.

Panel Two: The two men have stood up, and are reaching down to help their friend up.
Man 2: "C'mon, Al, get up! We gotta go!"

Panel Three: Roller is shown from the waist up.
Roller: "Leave him."

Panel Four: The two men are standing there, confused. One man is looking at Roller, the other is looking at his friend.
Man 3: "We've gotta leave 'em, Stan, let's go."

Panel Five: We see roller from the chest up off to the left of the panel. Behind him, the two men are fleeing in the opposite direction, while the third is still down.

Panel One: We see a normal looking house with a few black vans parked outside of it.
Caption in top left: "Washington D.C. 2017"

Panel Two: A group of men are typing vigorously on computers. One has glasses, one is over-weight, and the other is turned in the opposite direction. A woman stands at a board monitoring everything thats going on. Around them is a bunch of high tech looking instruments.
Caption in middle: "The Sluts"

Panel Three: The woman has her head turned toward the three men.
Woman: "Are we ready?"
Glasses: "Ready..."
Fat Man: "Ready..."
Man 3: "Ready."

Panel Four: We see the woman's face head on. The three men are each looking at her from behind while seated at their stations.
Woman: "Three...two...one..."

Panel Five: This panel is tall and slim. It is separated into three sub-panels showing each of the men's hands placed on a mouse. Beside each hand, in black letters reads "CLICK CLICK" as if double clicking a link.

Panel One: We see a full page of a floor filled with people that look to be buzzing all around. Large televisions, monitors, and personal screens are shown brightly throughout the floor and high up on the walls. Well-known company names are shown on the monitors in red with a red arrow pointing downward. We see that the points in each stock are plummeting.
Caption in top left: "New York City"

Panel One: We have zoomed in to a select few individuals looking up at the screens, some are on telephones. A look of disbelief is in each of them. A bald man is in the center of the group which the readers main focus should be on.
Bald Man: "My God..." *whispered*

Panel Two: We see a couch with a man, woman, two children, and a small white dog seated. They are watching their television with wide-open eyes. Behind them is a large, open window. The woman has tears running down her face. There is a white speech-box with zig-zagged edges speaking from the T.V.
T.V: "The stocks have just fallen dramatically. We have no idea what is going on, and the floor is in complete chaos. This is unbelievable, and there are experts working dilligently to understand what is happening. I'm sorry I wish I had more information..."

Panel Three: We see the family again. This time, the father is holding the mother's hand. The children are both looking up at their parents, unaware of what is going on.

Panel Four: Through the large window behind them, we see an explosion in the distance. The family has their heads turned toward it and the glass from the window has shattered.
Father: "Jesus Christ!"

Panel Five: We see the family falling to the floor for cover as flames engulf their home.

Panel One: This panel takes up a third of the page, horizontally. It shows a bunch of men dressed in orange jumpsuits combating men in blue swat suits. Groups are shown punching and kicking people on the ground, and others are getting beaten by night sticks.
Caption top left: Florence, Colorado. ADX Maximum Super Prison.

Panel Two: Takes up one third of he page, horizontally. This shows men being shot and beaten, while others are being stabbed.
Caption top left: Atlanta, Georgia. United States Penitentiary.

Panel Three: Takes up one third of the page horizontally. This panel shows cells all the way across, and inside are inmates cheering the freed ones on. They are all hollering profanities. To the far right we see an inmate has one of the prison guards in a "sleeper hold" through the bars.
The guard has fallen to his bottom and is reaching out for someone to help him.
Caption top left: Inez, Kentucky. Big Sandy United States Penitentiary.

Panel One: The White House is shown from the front.
Caption in top left: "Washington D.C."

Panel Two: We see a man dressed in a uniform holding his hat enter a room that looks to be the Oval Office. Two other men stand at his side that aren't nearly as decorated as he.
Man: "Mr. President, we have a situation."

Panel Three: A close up on an African American man's face. He is broad and proud looking, and has a look of confusion and anger. He speaks as he slams his fist on the desk.
President Raymond Jackson: "I want to know what the fuck is going on out there!"

Panel Four: Again the decorated man is shown, this time with a bead of sweat dripping down the side of his face. He is gripping his had in his hands very tightly and trembling.
Man: "We've been hacked...everything has been hacked. The stocks have crashed. We just fired our own weapons on Tempe. Nothing is left there. We need to get you somewhere safe, Sir."

Panel Five: We see the president sitting in his desk, elbows on the table with his hands over his face.
President Raymond Jackson: "Get Dr. Lucious North on the phone..."

Panel Six: We see from behind the president. His head still rests in his hands. Beyond him the three men stand, puzzled.
Man: "Mr. President, are you su..."
President Raymond Jackson: "NOW!"

Panel One: We see Roller sitting on a curb again, this time with his helmet off. He is square jawed, blue eyed, short brown hair with a bit of a 5 o'clock shadow. Behind him we see the GM building, much closer than the last time.
Caption in top left: "Detroit. 2022."

Panel Two: Roller is up and walking again, this time carrying his helmet. We are looking at him from behind, and we can tell it is starting to get darker. Around him are destroyed cars and buildings. People warming their hands with fires coming out of trash cans.
Roller's Thoughts: "I gotta get out of the dark. I hate the dark."

Panel Three: We see Roller putting his helmet back on.

Panel Four: We are shown the landscape as if from Roller's view. The GM building still stands tall, although very run-down looking. Most of the buildings beside it are destroyed, and the water behind it is nearly black. From the looks of it, this is where he is heading, and he still has about a mile to go. We can here a strong voice coming from the distance, but Roller can only make out a few words.
Voice: "Those...for help...enter in the...We can...most..."

Panel One: We see a man on the television speaking. He is older, with white hair and is a correspondant for a local news cast team that has been stringing live feeds through an underground system.
Correspondant: "War is looming over our heads, and Jackson is yet to do anything about it. I would advise you to seek shelter as soon as possible and stock up on anything you can find. This could be it, people. Good luck, and God Bless..."
Caption in top left: "Year 2020."

Panel Two: The man who was watching the television is shown looking out his window. The T.V has gone in to vertical stripes of all different colors.

Panel Three: Out of the window we see absolute chaos. Men, women and children are running and crying desperately seeking shelter. A man sits in a yellow car beeping his horn for others to move. "HONK" is shown in bold letters.

Panel Four: A close up of the man is shown. He is crying.

Panel Five: The man's back is turned to the window and the shades have been pulled shut.

Panel One: We are shown a full page. Tall buildings stand as multiple aircrafts fly overhead. We can see bombs being dropped from each of the carriers. At the bottom of the page we can see red explosions and fire from where they have already been dropped. We can see the American Star on the side of the aircrafts along with "The United States Air Force".
Caption at top of page: "China."

Panel One: Now we are shown from the street looking up. People are pointing and shouting, some turning and running. Between buildings we can see aircrafts dropping bombs. A faint red symbol is on each of the carriers.
Caption at top of page: "The United States of America."

Panel One: This page is entirely black.
Caption in top left: "The end of the world has arrived."

Panel One: A half page of Roller is shown from the ground and from behind. In front of him is the GM building and he is looking up at it. The sky is getting even darker.
Roller: "I know you're in there."

Panel Two: The loud speaker of the voice that was coming throug has apparently been shut off. We see Roller surveying his surroundings.

Panel Three: We are shown Roller looking up at the building again, only this time from the front. It is a shot from his stomach up. We can see that his staff is equipped and glowing a faint red.
Roller: "C'mon god dammit..."

Panel Four: We are shown a silhouette of someone, peering out a window high above the ground. The silouhette is tall and thin and we can see a coat waving in the wind. The figure seems to have a top hat on.
Figure: "Hmm..."

Panel One: We see a full page of Roller. He is clean shaven and wearing nothing but black spandex shorts. He is strapped to a table and he is screaming, trying to free himself. His muscles are bulging and tears and spit are pooring out of him.
Caption at top left: "2019. The Testing Facilities, location unknown."

Panel One: Roller is being pushed through swinging doors while still strapped to a cart. We can see white gloves are guiding the cart. He seems to be unconscious.
Scientist 1: "Wow..."
Scientist 2: "I know."

Panel Two: We are shown the two scientists, dressed head to toe in white, with white helmest on pushing the cart from behind.
Scientist 1: "I can't believe these people are surviving this. This is barbaric what we're doing Lucious."
Lucious North: "Barbaric? These people are going to save the world. These people are..."

Panel Three: A close-up of Lucious North is shown. He is old, white haired and wears thick glasses. He has a bit of a grin on his face, and a tear is running down his right cheek. He is looking down at Roller's motionless body.
Lucious North: "...beautiful."

Panel Four: Roller is pushed into a room with absolutley nothing in it. He is left strapped in the cart. The two scientists stand in an open doorway looking at Roller.
Scientist 1: "But he looks dead, Lucious."

Panel Five: We see a vault like crank in the process of being turned. We realize that Roller has been locked in this vault. The handle spins and the word "CREEK" is written in bold letters.
Lucious North: "He is far from it, my boy, very far indeed."

Panel One: We see Lucious North enter a room from behind. Beyond him stands the president looking through a glass window down into another room where tests are happening.
President Raymond Jackson: "When will they be ready?"
Lucious North: "Soon my friend, very soon. They need to recover a bit. A large toll is being taken on their bodies. But the results will be worth the wait, I assure you."

Panel Two: The two men are standing side by side peering through the window. They are shown from the front, as if someone were looking up at them. They are both looking down into the room.
President Raymond Jackson: "Do you understand the state of emergency we're in, Doctor? All hell is about to break loose. Soon is not an answer. I need them ready now!"
Lucious North: "I understand. But we cannot rush..."

Panel Three: Now we are shown the men from behind. President Raymond Jackson is now looking at Lucious North with a crinkled brow.
President Raymond Jackson: "For the smartest man on Earth you're a fucking dumb ass. What don't you understand about now!"

Panel Four: We are now shown the same view as in panel two, only Lucious is looking at Raymond Jackson, who is looking through the glass again.
Lucious North: "I suppose I can try to speed the process up by quickly..."
President Raymond Jackson: "I don't care how. Just do it."

Panel Five: We now zoom in closer. President Jackson still stands and peers through the glass with a bit of a smile on his face. We see Lucious North walk toward the door with his head down.
Lucious North: "As you wish, Mr. President."

Panel One: We are shown a full page. This time, we see what the two men were looking at. President Jackson's head is barely visible in the lower left hand corner. We see a man struggling, strapped in the same manner as Roller was. Three men dressed in white look as if they are working hard. Extremely bright lights are focused on the subject. He is tall and slim, but a muscular build. We can see from a distance that his eyes have turned entirely black.

Panel One: We see a half page from inside of one of the vaults. It appears as if everything has been charred and a man lays with flames engulfing his body. We see through a small window the face of a scientist. She has a horrified look on her face.

Panel Two: We are now outside of the room. The woman is using a radio to contact Lucious North. She is dressed in white.
Man from inside room: "I...can't...BREATH!"
Woman: "Dr. North, I need you at cell 19 immediately. He...he's...BURNING!"

Panel Three: We see Lucious North after recieveing the news. His eyes are wide with worry and he holds the radio loosely in his hand.

Panel Four: As he is running out of the door, he is grabbing a gas mask. Papers are flying off of his desk.

Panel Five: We see Lucious North running down a long corridor, and at the end we can see the woman waiving her hands.
Woman: "Hurry, please hurry doctor!"
Man from inside room: "HEEELLLLP!"

Panel Six: Lucious North has opened the door and black smoke has engulfed the room. He is shown staggering back and covering his face.
Lucious North: "James, put this mask on! James, where are you. I can't see!"

Panel One: In a quarter page, we see Lucious North enter a room with President Jackson sitting in it. His white coat is covered in ash and he has marks on his face. President Jackson is in the motion of standing up abruptly.
President Raymond Jackson: "What the hell is going on..."

Panel Two: Lucious North is shown with his hands on his knees, apparently tired from running, off to the left. We see a large African American hand to the right to show the depth of the illustration.
Lucious North: "Something's wrong..."

Panel Three: A half page is shown of President Jackson. He has his chest puffed and his arms out. His head is tilted upward and he is screaming. His teeth are shown, spit and tears are flying, and his veins are popping out of his neck. In one hand was a glass of scotch, but it is now crushed and glass is flying aimlessly. His hands are clenched, and the one that was holding the glass is dripping blood.
President Raymond Jackson: "NO!"

Panel One: We see a blue glove pushing a door open. We can see into the room, and it is all dark, except for any light that is coming through the doorway.

Panel Two: We see Roller standing in the doorway, light behind him but everywhere else is dark. A voice comes from inside the room.
Figure: "Hello, Carson. I didn't think you'd make such good timing."

Panel Three: We see Roller hasn't moved. We can also see his staff still glowing red.
Roller: "If you want to talk Darian, you'll do it out here where I can see you."
Darian: "You know you're the only person that still calls me by that name? Whatever you say...Roller."

Panel Four: From inside the dark room we see a set of eyes that have completely glazed over white. The rest of the room is still dark.
Darian: "I haven't seen you in a few years, Roller. You look like you're doing just fine. How is Liv?"

Panel Five: Roller is shown from the chest up. His head slightly hangs at the words of Darian. We get a feeling he doesn't want to answer him.

Panel Six: We are shown the ground where the light is shining through into the room. A foot with a wing-tipped shoe steps into it.
Darian: "Aw..still crazy?"

Panel One: We are shown a full page. A tall slender man has stepped out of the shadows and into the lit area. He wears a top hat and has sleak, pointy features. His coat draped down to his shoes, and he wears a gray vest with a black tie. His hand is placed at the brim of his hat, and his other hand is gripping a long sword he has sheathed at his side. When stepping into the light, we can see his eyes have changed from all white to all black.
Caption in top left: "The Umbra"

Panel One: The two men stand in a hall way facing one another. Roller's staff glows a deep red while The Umbra's hand is still placed on his sword. The reader gets a sense that they do not trust one another.
Roller: "What did you do with him?"
The Umbra: "Who? That boy? Well, he's gone...forever."

Panel Two: We see Roller straighten up and glare at The Umbra. This is an over the shoulder view looking at Roller.
Roller: "You killed him?"
The Umbra: "HA!"

Panel Three: A close up of The Umbra is shown with a smirk on his face.
The Umbra: "Lighten up, he's over there. I'm not a murderer, Roller, I only kill when killing is needed. You know this."

Panel Four: Roller is shown walking around The Umbra. The Umbra follows him with his eyes.
Roller: "Stalker will be here any minute. He may not be able to track you, but he can follow my scent. We'll have to walk and talk."

Panel Five: A close up of The Umbra is shown again, laughing and looking out toward the street.
The Umbra: "You're gonna let that group of retards catch you? Have fun with that, Roller, we'll see each other soon!"

Panel Six: A plume of black smoke takes up most of the panel, but we can see Roller behind reaching out to grab The Umbra with a clenched fist.
Roller: "Darian, wait! What'd you want..."

Panel One: We are shown a picture of Roller with his palm turned upside down. Black dust is falling from his hand.
Roller: "Dickhead."

Panel Two: The ground begins to shake and we can see Roller start to lose a little bit of footing. His hand is placed on the wall to keep his balance.

Panel Three: Roller has made his way to the window and is looking out, down toward the street at the front entrance of the building.
Roller: "The Voice..."

Panel Four: A half page is shown of the street from where Roller is standing. We can see five figures running toward the building. The fifth is a woman floating behind the rest, and cracks in the ground are coming from beneath her.

Panel One: A full page of Roller is shown from behind. He is still looking down toward the street. He has his staff in hand and it is glowing a deep red. The reader can tell he is preparing for battle.
Roller: "Here we go..."


List of Characters

I feel that getting to know the characters a bit before reading the story is helpful, and since there will be quite a few characters introduced I don't want readers to get totally lost too quickly. Here is a list of some of the central characters, a brief physical description, and a look in to their enhancements. Of course, more will be explained about each one during the story.

*These characters are completely fiction and drawn up from my own imagination. Some characters are meant to be goofy, sleazy, cheesy, disturbing, etc. and by no means am I taking shots at people that might have certain problems associated with some of the characters.

Carson Roller/Roller - Our main character. He is tall, well built and good looking, although a bit rough. Ranges in age from 24-28 years old. Caucasian. He wears a navy blue and maize body suit with light armor and a helmet that is very closely related to that of a knights. He has advanced speed and strength, and specializes in hand-to-hand combat with blunt weapons. Through the testing program, he is able to channel kinetic energy through items making the molecular make-up move extremely fast. If he uses enough energy, he can make them explode, or he can simply use an item as an overpowering weapon. He carries with him a long staff that was made nearly indestructible by the program.

Darian Vasher/The Umbra - The definition of "umbra is the darkest part of a shadow. Vasher is a tested that finds himself in nearly the same struggles as Roller does between right and wrong, although he doesn't have as much of a problem making decisions depending on the situation. At times he will help, and others he won't. He is tall and slim and wears a long black coat, vest and tie, and a top hat. During daytime, his eyes will glaze over completely black, and at night they turn white. His power enables him to travel through shadows, making him extremely hard to keep up with and fight. Although he doesn't have advancements in strength, he is a very skilled with swords and knives. He has the ability to hold on to victims as he travels through shadows, leaving them trapped and ceasing to be. Will be a large part in much of the story.

Raymond Jackson/The President - Jackson is the former president of the U.S. He is in his mid-40's, and in great shape. African-American. While war was lingering, he had the lowest approval rate in history. Desperately trying to save face, he gave the go-ahead on the testing program. With it's failure, it drove him wild with embarrassment and shame. Being a weapons specialist and serving as a general in the army before being elected, his knowledge of heavy artillery is abundant. Injecting himself with serums to make him bigger and stronger, he set out to annihilate any foreign peoples because he feels they are to blame for his failures, and anyone who gets in his way. He wears a stars and stripes tank top, jeans and combat boots. He is always equipped with heavy guns and explosives.

Olivia Hughes/AKA - Olivia is a woman that Roller had intimate relations with before being pulled in to the testing program. She is very attractive and smart, but after seeing the war torn world, she has developed schizophrenia. Although she doesn't have any special powers, she has many different personalities that specialize in different areas. Each of them are brought on by different triggers including fear, joy, embarrassment, isolation, etc. While her mind set is Olivia, she is loving, caring, and helpful to Roller, but when changed she is dangerous and mischievous. She wears basic clothing for the most part, but some of her personalities urge her to do make-shift clothing on the spot. This is a sign to Roller that she is changing mind sets and he needs to prepare or flee.

Nathan Wynne/The Sickness - Wynne is part of the testing program, and his case went extremely wrong. Jackson had his scientists develop a new diseas that will eat the flesh of individuals in a matter of minutes, and wanted to give Wynne an immunity to it. He would be used as a super spy, and while the disease was released in foreign areas he would sneak in and retrieve whatever it was that was needed at the time. He was also given regenerative cells in case of injury, he could quickly recover and return to base. When injected with the disease, his body was unable to develop an immunity. His flesh is constantly being decayed by the second, but also regenerated by his healing cells. This gives him a zombie like appearance and is able to transfer his disease through open areas such as the mouth, eyes, open cuts, as well as injecting his victims through bite. Because of his spy training, he is advanced in many forms of hand to hand combat, and has enhanced agility and speed. He chooses to use smalle throwing weapons, and because of his condition his strength is minimal. Normally wears a basic black body suit to hide his deformities.

Geoff VanAntoine/ The Fairy - A psychotic homosexual that dresses up in a set of wings and a tootoo. Wears a pair of small goggles and is balding. Has the ability to fly and release energy beams through his hands. He chooses to use a fairy like wand in order to shoot these beams. He has an obsession with Roller and is hell bent on catching him and killing him. A relativley weak character that is often thrown aside despite his many attempts at fulfilling his quest.

James Werner/Furnace - Werner is able to create and manipulate fire. He doesn't speak or think much, rather acts on instinct. He is one of the more intimidating characters because of the mysteriousness that follows him. He is untrusted by all, and other characters never know what to expect from him. He wears a large body suit with a gas mask that has been altered to do the opposite of what normal gas masks do. This is because when he breathes oxygen in, when it is released in an uncontrolled flame which can prove to be fatal to himself. His mask has an oxygen reducer in place because he uses the oxygen to create the fire. Instead of being released as CO2, it is instead dispersed through his body enabling him to conduct flames.

"The Voice"

Xander Wallace/The Speaker - Leader and founder of "The Voice". Has the ability to control sound waves through his mouth, enabling his shouting capabilities to range in pitches and volume. Also, the ability to control vibrations lets him do damage to objects with a poor foundation. Middle aged, caucasian, and well built. Wears a black and yellow outfit, with goggles and a device wrapped around his throat to protect his vocal chords from being damaged from the outside.

Renee Wallace/Mother Earth - Xanders wife. Second in command of the group. Has the ability to shift earthy substances such as dirt and rocks,as well as create mini earthquakes. Former model. Wears an outfit that consists of an royal blue eye mask, revealing top, short shorts, high boots, and long gloves.

Chase Findell/Stalker - Findell is a tested that has had all of his senses enhanced. He is used by the group to track down individuals. His hearing, sight, and smell are impeccable and it doesn't take him long to track people down (with exception to The Umbra). With the advancements in senses he in turn lost his ability to speak and over-sensitivity to his senses. Extremely fast and has jumping abilities beyond belief. Weak fighter, wears a black body suit, with a mask that has the technology to dim lights, control sound vibration and pinpoint certain scents. Travels most efficiently on all fours.

Benjamin Braun/Bullrush - Braun is the bruiser of the group. He stands nealy 7 ft. tall, and is muscle bound. Has extreme strength and is also deceptivley quick. He has a grizzly beard and short black hair. His arms and chest are covered in tattoos, and is often seen wearing nothing but jeans and boots. Wears thick gloves because most of his damage is done by hand. His body is able to repel most types of hand held fire arms to a certain extent, although his hands are rather vulnerable. This causes a problem, considering most of his damage is done by hand. In order to protect them, he wears special gloves with the strength of steel and the mobility and form of a regular cloth substance. Despite his looks, he is very well spoken and mannered.

Brady Wells/Mr. Slick - The youngest of the group at 20. Very cocky, and despite being a well trained warrior he often gets himself in to trouble because he fails to think things through. He is in good shape, but he isn't muscle bound like many of the other characters. He is very hard to attack due to speed and elusiveness, and also has the ability to secret and oil-like substance through his pores. A downfall of this power is that it is flammable. Wears a suit that enables the substance to penetrate through, but is vulnerable to most attacks because he lacks any type of armor.

This is all for now, and most of these will be in quite a bit of the story. There will also be others introduced throughout that won't play quite as important of a role. If I decide to add more to this list, I will give a heads-up.