Tuesday, February 3, 2009

List of Characters

I feel that getting to know the characters a bit before reading the story is helpful, and since there will be quite a few characters introduced I don't want readers to get totally lost too quickly. Here is a list of some of the central characters, a brief physical description, and a look in to their enhancements. Of course, more will be explained about each one during the story.

*These characters are completely fiction and drawn up from my own imagination. Some characters are meant to be goofy, sleazy, cheesy, disturbing, etc. and by no means am I taking shots at people that might have certain problems associated with some of the characters.

Carson Roller/Roller - Our main character. He is tall, well built and good looking, although a bit rough. Ranges in age from 24-28 years old. Caucasian. He wears a navy blue and maize body suit with light armor and a helmet that is very closely related to that of a knights. He has advanced speed and strength, and specializes in hand-to-hand combat with blunt weapons. Through the testing program, he is able to channel kinetic energy through items making the molecular make-up move extremely fast. If he uses enough energy, he can make them explode, or he can simply use an item as an overpowering weapon. He carries with him a long staff that was made nearly indestructible by the program.

Darian Vasher/The Umbra - The definition of "umbra is the darkest part of a shadow. Vasher is a tested that finds himself in nearly the same struggles as Roller does between right and wrong, although he doesn't have as much of a problem making decisions depending on the situation. At times he will help, and others he won't. He is tall and slim and wears a long black coat, vest and tie, and a top hat. During daytime, his eyes will glaze over completely black, and at night they turn white. His power enables him to travel through shadows, making him extremely hard to keep up with and fight. Although he doesn't have advancements in strength, he is a very skilled with swords and knives. He has the ability to hold on to victims as he travels through shadows, leaving them trapped and ceasing to be. Will be a large part in much of the story.

Raymond Jackson/The President - Jackson is the former president of the U.S. He is in his mid-40's, and in great shape. African-American. While war was lingering, he had the lowest approval rate in history. Desperately trying to save face, he gave the go-ahead on the testing program. With it's failure, it drove him wild with embarrassment and shame. Being a weapons specialist and serving as a general in the army before being elected, his knowledge of heavy artillery is abundant. Injecting himself with serums to make him bigger and stronger, he set out to annihilate any foreign peoples because he feels they are to blame for his failures, and anyone who gets in his way. He wears a stars and stripes tank top, jeans and combat boots. He is always equipped with heavy guns and explosives.

Olivia Hughes/AKA - Olivia is a woman that Roller had intimate relations with before being pulled in to the testing program. She is very attractive and smart, but after seeing the war torn world, she has developed schizophrenia. Although she doesn't have any special powers, she has many different personalities that specialize in different areas. Each of them are brought on by different triggers including fear, joy, embarrassment, isolation, etc. While her mind set is Olivia, she is loving, caring, and helpful to Roller, but when changed she is dangerous and mischievous. She wears basic clothing for the most part, but some of her personalities urge her to do make-shift clothing on the spot. This is a sign to Roller that she is changing mind sets and he needs to prepare or flee.

Nathan Wynne/The Sickness - Wynne is part of the testing program, and his case went extremely wrong. Jackson had his scientists develop a new diseas that will eat the flesh of individuals in a matter of minutes, and wanted to give Wynne an immunity to it. He would be used as a super spy, and while the disease was released in foreign areas he would sneak in and retrieve whatever it was that was needed at the time. He was also given regenerative cells in case of injury, he could quickly recover and return to base. When injected with the disease, his body was unable to develop an immunity. His flesh is constantly being decayed by the second, but also regenerated by his healing cells. This gives him a zombie like appearance and is able to transfer his disease through open areas such as the mouth, eyes, open cuts, as well as injecting his victims through bite. Because of his spy training, he is advanced in many forms of hand to hand combat, and has enhanced agility and speed. He chooses to use smalle throwing weapons, and because of his condition his strength is minimal. Normally wears a basic black body suit to hide his deformities.

Geoff VanAntoine/ The Fairy - A psychotic homosexual that dresses up in a set of wings and a tootoo. Wears a pair of small goggles and is balding. Has the ability to fly and release energy beams through his hands. He chooses to use a fairy like wand in order to shoot these beams. He has an obsession with Roller and is hell bent on catching him and killing him. A relativley weak character that is often thrown aside despite his many attempts at fulfilling his quest.

James Werner/Furnace - Werner is able to create and manipulate fire. He doesn't speak or think much, rather acts on instinct. He is one of the more intimidating characters because of the mysteriousness that follows him. He is untrusted by all, and other characters never know what to expect from him. He wears a large body suit with a gas mask that has been altered to do the opposite of what normal gas masks do. This is because when he breathes oxygen in, when it is released in an uncontrolled flame which can prove to be fatal to himself. His mask has an oxygen reducer in place because he uses the oxygen to create the fire. Instead of being released as CO2, it is instead dispersed through his body enabling him to conduct flames.

"The Voice"

Xander Wallace/The Speaker - Leader and founder of "The Voice". Has the ability to control sound waves through his mouth, enabling his shouting capabilities to range in pitches and volume. Also, the ability to control vibrations lets him do damage to objects with a poor foundation. Middle aged, caucasian, and well built. Wears a black and yellow outfit, with goggles and a device wrapped around his throat to protect his vocal chords from being damaged from the outside.

Renee Wallace/Mother Earth - Xanders wife. Second in command of the group. Has the ability to shift earthy substances such as dirt and rocks,as well as create mini earthquakes. Former model. Wears an outfit that consists of an royal blue eye mask, revealing top, short shorts, high boots, and long gloves.

Chase Findell/Stalker - Findell is a tested that has had all of his senses enhanced. He is used by the group to track down individuals. His hearing, sight, and smell are impeccable and it doesn't take him long to track people down (with exception to The Umbra). With the advancements in senses he in turn lost his ability to speak and over-sensitivity to his senses. Extremely fast and has jumping abilities beyond belief. Weak fighter, wears a black body suit, with a mask that has the technology to dim lights, control sound vibration and pinpoint certain scents. Travels most efficiently on all fours.

Benjamin Braun/Bullrush - Braun is the bruiser of the group. He stands nealy 7 ft. tall, and is muscle bound. Has extreme strength and is also deceptivley quick. He has a grizzly beard and short black hair. His arms and chest are covered in tattoos, and is often seen wearing nothing but jeans and boots. Wears thick gloves because most of his damage is done by hand. His body is able to repel most types of hand held fire arms to a certain extent, although his hands are rather vulnerable. This causes a problem, considering most of his damage is done by hand. In order to protect them, he wears special gloves with the strength of steel and the mobility and form of a regular cloth substance. Despite his looks, he is very well spoken and mannered.

Brady Wells/Mr. Slick - The youngest of the group at 20. Very cocky, and despite being a well trained warrior he often gets himself in to trouble because he fails to think things through. He is in good shape, but he isn't muscle bound like many of the other characters. He is very hard to attack due to speed and elusiveness, and also has the ability to secret and oil-like substance through his pores. A downfall of this power is that it is flammable. Wears a suit that enables the substance to penetrate through, but is vulnerable to most attacks because he lacks any type of armor.

This is all for now, and most of these will be in quite a bit of the story. There will also be others introduced throughout that won't play quite as important of a role. If I decide to add more to this list, I will give a heads-up.

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